Matthew McClelland KC
Contact Details
Address: Level 1, 5 Cable Street, Wellington, 6011
PO Box 10-242, The Terrace, Wellington, 6140
DDI: +64 4 494 8142
Mobile: 021 648 195
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Caroline Cheetham
PA to Matthew McClelland KC
Phone: +64 4 499 2684
Qualifications and Experience
LL.B (Hons), Canterbury University, 1975
Admitted as Barrister and Solicitor, Christchurch, 1976
McClelland Wood McKay & McVeigh, 1976-1977
Weston Ward & Lascelles, 1979-1981
Attorney General's Chambers, Hong Kong, 1981-1987
Partner, Kensington Swan, Wellington, 1987-2003
Barrister sole, Wellington, 2003
Joined Harbour Chambers, 2003
Queens Counsel from 2014
Principal Areas of Practice
Public Law and Judicial Review
Arbitration / Mediation
Civil and Commercial Litigation: Courts at all levels and Tribunals
Coroners / Inquests
Defamation / Media Law / Film
Environment / Resource Management
Official Information
Intellectual Property: Confidential Information and Copyright
Medical and Health
Mental Health
Professional Discipline